Nanice Ellis - Only Love Is Real, Healing Ends, Dark Ayahuasca Journeys


Nanice is a Conscious Creation Coach, an Author and Inspirational Guide. She has written several transformational books and has been a Conscious Creation Coach for over twenty years. We speak a lot about Ayahuasca plant medicine, healing trauma and I find Nanice's unique way of seeing and understanding the world absolutely refreshing. She is a wonderful source of wisdom and grace with an enormous kind heart willing to give so much to us all.

My favourite quotes from this episode: 
'Your perfect career may not even be invented yet."
"What we want is always outside of our comfort zone."
"who do I want to be? The answer changes."

You are invited to sign up for her free 7-part spiritual awakening series - go to 

To find Nanice & her books as mentioned in this episode either go to her website or see Amazon links below:
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You can find Nanice at:
Podcast: Chai with Nanice

You can find me/support the podcast:
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies

Music in the podcast:
Intro music from TranXista

Bird sounds done by Glen Dimech from 4D Empty:
Facebook: 4D Empty @4dempty 
Instagram: @theoctomid 

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